' naam '

Ruby, what exactly is your qutsieon? Does it matter if he was with 2 girls or 22 girls? You've slept with 3 guys so, maybe you have more experience but do you want the bragging rights? If you don't want to be used, don't allow it. You don't have to sleep with your boyfriend if you think he's not serious about your relationship. Good luck to you.
Ruby, what exact
ly is your qutsi
eon? Does it ma
tter if he was w
ith 2 girls or 2
2 girls? You've
slept with 3 guy
s so, maybe you
have more experi
ence but do you
want the braggin
g rights? If yo
u don't want to
be used, don't a
llow it. You do
n't have to slee
p with your boyf
riend if you thi
nk he's not seri
ous about your r
elationship. Go
od luck to you.